ROSEイギリス留学 2019レポート【Week 1】

This year’s ROSE trip saw a total of 29 students representing 5 Tsuzuki Gakuen Group campuses from Fukuoka, Kobe, Shibuya and Yokohama. We departed on August 18th and safely arrived at Heathrow International Airport on August 19th. After a quick transfer by bus to Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, the students were welcomed to a late-night meal before checking into their rooms and getting some well-deserved rest.

今年度も8/18~9/6の3週間、イギリス:ケンブリッジ大学・オックスフォード大学で「英語発祥の国を研究する」語学・文化・経済研修:ROSE(The Research of Original Schools of English)イギリス留学を開催しました。本学を含む都築学園4大学、渋谷・横浜・神戸・福岡の4都市から29名の参加者を迎え、ニカラス先生引率のもと、18日成田発~18日夕方ロンドン・ヒースロー空港着後、貸切バスでケンブリッジ大学フィッツウィリアムカレッジに向かいました。到着は毎年夜になりますが、温かい歓迎とおいしい食事でもてなして頂きました。8月25日のオックスフォード移動まではケンブリッジに泊まります。


Day 1 カレッジオリエンテーション、ケンブリッジ街中観光、歓迎レセプション

  • The morning started early with an 8am breakfast, followed by campus orientation. The students were shown the security procedures for entering and leaving the campus, along with where the dining hall was located, how to use the laundry facilities, and where are lessons would be held each day.


  • After a fulfilling lunch, we set out on foot to make our way to the town centre. At 14:00, we boarded a local bus an open-top bus tour of Cambridge. We were forced into covered areas of the bus due to an unexpected rain shower, but the students were not discouraged, and some even braved the rain in an effort to g
    ain the best view of the town.


  • Following the bus tour, we spent some time familiarizing ourselves with the town proper. The weather was lovely, and it was most difficult to have imagined the heavy showers that had blanketed the skies just moments earlier.


  • In the evening hours, were welcomed by the President of Fitzwilliam’s, Mr. Francis Knightz, and were treated to a lovely four course meal in the dining hall. It was a splendid evening, with all in attendance dressed in their finest, formal attire. Special mention must go to Sang Oh, Konosuke and Kaito of Fukuoka campus who had coordinated their outfits with matching suspenders and matching bowties. Very dapper, gentlemen!


Day 2 パンティング(川下り)

  • Classes began at 09:30 sharp with all in attendance, on time and bright eyed. Very impressive performance on the first day, especially giving that everyone was battling with various degrees of jetlag. Dr. Alex Binns of Oxford University, our esteemed guest tutor, was very impressed our student’s English abilities. A wonderful start to the program.


  • After lunch, we made our way to the river where three long boats awaited us. “Hello, ladies and gents. Are we punting today?” Local young men corralled us in an effort to secure a fare, but we had boats reserved. Sorry, lads! Better luck next year. We spent the next hour, blissfully being ferried down the river, as it snaked through the banks of famous colleges and libraries. Our ship captains, adorned in blue shorts and matching waistcoats serenaded us with wild and hilarious tales of all that has passed inside the hallowed walls of some of the greatest institutions, which in turn have produced some of the world’s greatest minds.


Day 3 ケンブリッジ散策 キングス・カレッジ大聖堂

  • After avoiding a heavy rain shower, the group had leisurely stroll through Cambridge, allowing everyone time to take in the fresh air, chat as they walked past pristine gardens and perfectly manicured lawns, finally arriving at the doorstep of the grand King’s College chapel (seen from the river in the picture above).


Day 4 クラス分け、フィッツウィリアム博物館

  • The day began with more classes. The students were divided into 2 groups. One group with Dr. Alex Binns, and one group with Nikalas. Dr. Binns and I were both very impressed with the commitment of our students.


  • In the afternoon, we set out on foot to the renowned Fitzwilliam Museum. The students spent the greater part of the afternoon basking in antiquities from the Egyptian Pharaohs, to Greek pottery, to Impressionist paintings by Renoir and Cezanne.


Day 5 ケンブリッジ大学植物園

  • At the conclusion of the first half of our English program (where did the time go?), we bid farewell to our cozy, well-lit classrooms at Fitzwilliam College and made the long trek by foot to the famous Cambridge University Botanical Gardens. The gardens are spread out over a large piece of land on the edge of the town, not far the Fitzwilliam Museum. Unfortunately, the students dispersed upon arrival at the gardens, and they proved very elusive, as I was only able to capture a few of them on film. I believe they took after the many rare species of plants that call the botanical gardens home, and chose to find a quiet spot within the luscious gardens, curious greenhouses in an effort to truly embrace the environment; could you blame them?


Day 6 イーリー大聖堂、 ケンブリッジで最後の夕食

  • Today was our first group-day-trip. We boarded the bus at 9am and made our way Ely Town. In two sets, we had a lovely tour of Ely Cathedral, an over 900-year-old Cathedral with an amazing view of the surrounding countryside from atop the two towers. Although the winding, narrow staircase was a challenge for everyone, we made our ascent to the top and were treated with a breath-taking view.


  • Saturday evening was our last formal dinner at Fitzwilliam’s College. The students received their group photos from our welcome dinner, and then we enjoyed a lovely dinner in the main dining hall.


Day 7 ケンブリッジ最終日 オックスフォードへ移動

  • After breakfast, we bid Fitzwilliam’s College adieu, and boarded our bus to Oxford. After checking in to our new accommodations at St Anne’s College, we had a brief tour of the campus, our new classrooms, the dining and laundry facilities.


  • After unpacking, we dressed in our finest clothes, dimmed the lights, and settled in to our first, of many, gourmet meals from prepared solely for our group. This was our official welcome dinner to St Anne’s, and I do believe the students were not disappointed.





迷っていても大丈夫! 日経大を体験して、未来の進路を見つけよう!




日経大 留学体験記



「BLUE ROSE」は芸創プロデュース学科で学ぶ有志の学生により2021年 7月に結成された学生広報プロジェクトチーム。





