#11. 経営学部 グローバルビジネス学科教授 ブルーノ・カート・クリスチャンス先生

Q. どんな授業?
The classes I am currently teaching are as follows:
- International Economics A-B 国際経済学
- Microeconomics A-B ミクロ経済学
- Macroeconomics A-B マクロ経済学
- Politics I-II 政治学
- International Marketing Theory 国際マーケティング論
- Theory of Distribution Economics 流通経済論
- Special Seminar I-II 専門ゼミ
My lesson style is quite interactive and linked to current-day actual news and issues.
I like to first explain the theory to the students and then divide them into small groups or pairs and have them discuss the topics or let them think about solutions for current-day problems. At the same time (esp. in the Fall semester) we spend 10-15 minutes looking through online newspapers at topics we cover in class (elections, inflation, etc…) and expand on these topics.
Q. 先生の経歴は?
1998年にベルギーのルーベン大学(KUL、ルーヴァンカトリック大学)で日本研究の修士号(日本学修士)を取得し、2006年に九州大学ビジネススクール(QBS)で経営学修士(経営学修士)を取得しました。 1999年に関西大学で1年間の交換プログラムも修了しました。
I obtained a Masters in Japanese Studies from Leuven University in 1998 and a Masters in Business Administration from Kyushu University Business School in 2006. I also completed a one-year exchange program at Kansai University in 1999.
Q. 先生からのメッセージ・PR
I believe it is important for students to find out what they are passionate about and what motivates them.
If there is passion and ambition students are more likely to achieve their goals. Also, small daily improvements matter!

I like train Judo.

Visiting the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal-Portugal in early 2019.