- 福岡キャンパス
- 経営学部 グローバルビジネス学科
ジャレッド デセロ 准教授 Jared Desello
University of Asia and the Pacific (AB Humanities)(アジア太平洋大学 人文科学部)
University of Asia and the Pacific (MS Industrial Economics)
(アジア太平洋大学 経済学修士課程)
2010 Deutsche Bank, Philippines (ドイツ銀行、フィリピン) – Derivatives Analyst
2010-2012 University of Asia and the Pacific (アジア太平洋大学) – Economist / Instructor / Academic Coordinator
2012-2018 Citibank NA, Philippines (シティバンク エヌ・エイ) – Analytics Manager
2018-2019 Globe Telecom (グローブ テレコム) – Analytics Head
2019-2022 松山市教育委員会 – Assistant Language Teacher
Economics, Analytics, Management, Financial Markets, Financial Literacy
国際金融論 International Finance
会計学 Accounting
ビジネス統計 Business Statistics
経営管理論 Business Management Theory
産業組織論 Industrial Organization
国際政治 International Politics
日本経済論 Japanese Economic Theory
産業経済学 Industrial Economics
データ分析 Data Analytics
応用計量経済学 Applied Econometrics
Relationship between financial literacy, financial inclusion, and financial well-being
Hiking, reading, amateur photography, video games
Desello, J. and Roberto de Vera (2009). “A fresh line-up: Growth Opportunities in Philippine Regional Economic Centers”. Urban Markets Adviser. University of Asia and the Pacific
Desello, J. (2010). “Investing in Human Capital”. Urban Markets Adviser. University of Asia and the Pacific
Desello, J. (2011). “Fertility Matters: What happens when low-fertility levels are sustained in the long-term?”. Staff Memos. University of Asia and the Pacific
Desello, J. (2011). “What goes on behind population projections?”. Staff Memos. University of Asia and the Pacific
Desello, et al. (2012). “The Electric Power Generation Industry: Are we ready for renewable energy?”. Industry Monitor. University of Asia and the Pacific
Estimates of Selected Human Capital Investments in Education and Health, 2010-2160